We’re Sad…

…the ReCall died and they just quit…so BEN YSURSA wins again!

RINO’s fiddle while Idaho bleeds…Congress fiddles while America burns…

When will Conservatives finally have had enough and depose the pretenders in Boise? In Congress?

Oh, by the way, thanks a lot Uncle Jeff…you support…they lose!

Good stuff coming…stay tuned!

Vieselmeyer & Morse, Bookends Of An Urban Renewal Scam?…

…something seems more tipped than just campaign signs…They got “game,” but it ain’t fun for Taxpayers!

In Ron Vieselmeyer’s campaign literature, Vieselmeyer has a photo of himself pointing to the United States Constitution as if Vieselmeyer thinks it is a document we need to adhere to.  Yet Vieselmeyer was “front and center” in a local and notably blatant violation of the Idaho Constitution, a Constitution he has, purportedly, taken an oath to support!  We are talking about the so-called “lease” that North Idaho College (NIC) entered into with the North Idaho College Foundation; both located at the same address.  Why would ANY college “lease” bare ground? Continue reading Vieselmeyer & Morse, Bookends Of An Urban Renewal Scam?…