So CDA City Councilman and well known Democrat, Dan English dropped by the site yesterday to say howdy. He even left a comment, which we posted below. He was letting us know that Club Dem knows and follows their rules at every meeting.
We’ve got a deal for you Dan. We’ll broker a deal between the Democrats and Republicans, to trade Secretaries straight across. Mind you, your secretary might become conservative in the process. The one from the KCRCC would be a good fit for you guys. He could swap Chicago stories with Mike Kennedy.
If that’s a hard no, maybe a compromise. Could you have your Secretary give Alex some tips on how to show up on time and do his duties properly?
I don’t care who you are, this concept is funny. The thoughts of two opposing political groups exchanging Secretaries like they are pro sports free-agents is hilarious.
The Chuckleberries Team