An astute berry picker let us know some of the characters we’ve published dirt on, are on the hunt for Chester’s identity. Brilliant plan shoot the messenger and disregard the message. Where have we seen that before? Oh yeah….liberals. Remember folks, liberals make us laugh.
If you’ve made this page as a result of shady things you’re hiding, or you’ve made liberal political decisions…suck it up. Put on your big person pants and deal with it. By making a stink about the identity of the messenger, you are acting like a liberal.
Lastly, we the Chuckle Berries team agree the path towards true conservativism is an incremental process. Sometimes it takes an event or possibly the election of someone bad to open one’s eyes. Therefore, we understand the path towards being a conservative leader is a journey for some politicians. Yesterdays moderate might be tomorrow’s Ron Paul. Keep up the good fight, read good quality material, and try to understand the world around you through a conservative filter. Our team feels strongly a solid Biblical foundation is key to being a true conservative. As a pastor friend told one of us, “A conservative political stance is a natural expression of the Christian faith.”
As always, we appreciate the tips and leads our dedicated readers send in. Thank you.