What? No Retort?…

You gonna quit that easy cdaopa?

Chester says he’s sorry if he hurt your feelings…We told him not to be too hard on himself because Liberals have no feelings!

3 thoughts on “What? No Retort?…”

  1. Like the rest of the Reagan Republican / HBO goomba’s he has no spine! They quit very quickly when they have to do some real thinking.

  2. Just as I thought, you democrats in conservtive clothing will not even publish something that is written to you. You dopes HAVE to change words and meanings to indicate a entirely different view. For those of you the are from Half Baked Bay. You are the lowest form of conservatives if you will not let others speak. Is that what you want? I have copied this and I am sending it to a real conservative and I bet that you will change it so-o-o-o-o as quick as a Democrate spends money.

    (Note from Chester: Get a spell checker and please proof your comments. You wouldn’t want people to think you were uneducated, would you cdaopa. By the way, what exactly is a “Democrate”?)

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