After running our piece on the libelous behavior of Larry Spencer, Richard Whitehead reached out to us with a response. CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL POST Since what Lizard-boy did was slanderous, we felt it best to run this letter to counter his lies. False actions of infidelity are cruel and can be harmful to marriages. If you see him, tell him to knock it off and quit acting like a schoolyard bully…is he 12? “We knew Larry was trouble when he walked in….”
On a side note, Chuckle Berries is currently staying neutral in the sheriff’s race, for a little while longer. Instead this post is about standing up to the slander of Larry. Regardless of who you support as sheriff, we hope you will agree that what Larry did was wrong. We commend Rick for writing in to stand up to Larry’s bullying.
Has Larry libeled or ripped you off? Is so, please shoot us an e-mail. Provided you can document your claim, we’ll gladly publish it.
The Letter from Richard Whitehead
(Photo to the right is Rick and his wife)
My wife and I have been happily married 13 years and have a wonderful life together. I have kept her off of the campaign trail due to the nastiness of this race. I am not about to have her publicly disparaged.
The photograph Larry Spencer is using, taken by another detractor, is being used completely out of context. (SEEN HERE) But everything Spencer does he alters the context to make it slanderous. Judging people by the friends they keep doesn’t say much for the campaign the photographer and Spencer are associated with.
When Spencer first started slandering me, I reached out and invited him to chat over coffee so he could get to know me. I asked how can you say the things you do when we’ve never met? He has never responded, nor ever introduced himself, offered a hand, etc. But rather scurries around the base boards and avoids eye contact when he shows up to the same events. He displays a total lack of character while claiming a moral superiority.
The photo in question was taken at a public event of about 300 people, from across the street. Pennie is not standing as close as the picture makes it appear and we smiled to bait the detractor taking it….an obvious mistake on our part. Pennie is one of many volunteers in my campaign and Spencer’s perverted use of that picture is appalling, slanderous and offensive to both of our families!
Rick Whitehead, Candidate for Kootenai County SHERIFF