Lizardly Larry and His State Tax Lien

The perennial trash talker, Larry da Lizard has been at it again. He’s like a rusty penny…tough to get rid of. As can be expected, he’s been letting his mouth write checks he can’t cash…quite literally! Of late he’s been at the epicenter of every political squabble in Kootenai County….the guy loves him a fresh cup ‘o drama in the mornin’.  Rumor has it he’s also been libeling candidates quite liberally, but we’ll just put a pin in that for a later date.

Drum roll please…. It should be no surprise that Larry loves projecting his financial problems onto others. If he sees what he thinks is one small chink in someone’s armor, even if it’s just a false accusation, he swoops with his snarky, hate filled rants. Buuuut, what little Larry doesn’t want anyone to know is how bad financially things are in his life. Outside owing 57K in back child support, he has a HOST of people that have won judgements against him, but we’ll save those for a later date as well! Y’see, there is so much dirt on Larry, we might have to start a separate section just for him….it rivals the volume of skeletons Alex Barron is trying to hide.

Today’s post is rather simple. Larry has a very sizable tax lien on him, filed by the state of Idaho. How big exactly? $123,922.35 kinda big! To the right you’ll see the documents, with one zoomed in with a touch of red to highlight that amount. It’s dated 11/19/2019, so it’s recent.

Why is this important to the voters of Kootenai County? Larry bills himself as a conservative king maker of sorts.  He loves to sling mud at anyone he can, and will go to great lengths to hand out propaganda to discredit people. Rumors abound that he gets paid to spread rumors and be nasty to political candidates…we’d believe it. Furthermore if you don’t believe exactly like Larry, then he thinks you’re flawed or stupid. He’ll use his bully tactics on candidates, voters…he gets nastiest on Facebook.  Does that sound like staunch conservative values? Now to the second point. He thinks he is so wise and conservative that he knows what’s best for the people of North Idaho. So he get’s behind his Wizard of Oz curtain, and starts pulling levers to impress people with his grand show. Sadly, people fall for it hook, line, and stinker. They listen to his opinions as if they hold weight, without contemplating why Larry is pushing them to vote for his favored candidate.

But behind the facade he doesn’t want what’s best for the people, but instead what will line his pocket. Whether it be someone that’ll hide money for him, loan him money, owe him a favor, or pay him to be a political snake. His end game is who if elected will benefit his bottom line the most. Word to all political candidates….when Larry calls on you, RUN like you’re on fire. We’ve even heard rumors of Larry showing up at Precinct Committeeman’s homes unannounced just to pressure them to vote for who he wants. Remember he claims to be smarter and more conservative than the rest of us….we should all bow to his demands…NOT!

So the question is, do you want a deadbeat dad who owes thousands to his family, fellow citizens, and the state tax commission, to influence who you vote for? Do you want to enable him to continue his fleecing? If you are as appalled by him as we are, then tell him! Ask him if he’s paid his debts…he needs reminded constantly! And never do business with him, you’ll end up empty handed.

Say no to Larry the Lizard, he’s no good for North Idaho.

Chester, with help from some very good researchers.


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